
Headings will automatically show up in the table of contents, the depth is configurable.

Headings can also be numbered automatic if desired.

#Heading 1
##Heading 2
###Heading 3
####Heading 4
#####Heading 5
######Heading 6

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


Just write text         white   space        doesn't matter.
even if you go to a new line.
This shows up as 1 paragraph.

You need to hit enter twice to start a new paragraph

If you want to force \
a line brake use a \

Just write text white space doesn’t matter. even if you go to a new line. This shows up as 1 paragraph.

You need to hit enter twice to start a new paragraph

If you want to force
a line brake use a

Bold and Italics

Use 2 surrounding asterisk for **bold** and 1 for *italics*.

Use 2 surrounding asterisk for bold and 1 for italics.

Superscripts and subscripts

Use surrounding tilde's for sub~script~ and surrounding Caret's for super^script^

Use surrounding tilde’s for subscript and surrounding caret’s for superscript


Lists need 1 blank line before they begin.

Bullet lists

* one
* two
* three

Can use *, + or - for lists

Nested Bullet lists

* one
* two
    - 2a
    - 2b
* three
    - 3a
        + 3rd layer
    - 2nd layer
* 1st layer

The nested list must be indented four spaces or one tab:

Numbered lists

#. item 1
#. item 2
#. item 3

i. item 4
ii. item 5
iii. item 6

(A) item 7
(B) item 8
(C) item 9

1) item 10
    a) item 10a
    b) item 10b
2) item 11
    i) item 11a
    i) item 11b
3) item 12

Pandoc also allows ordered list items to be marked with uppercase and lowercase letters and roman numerals, in addition to arabic numerals. List markers may be enclosed in parentheses or followed by a single right-parentheses or period. They must be separated from the text that follows by at least one space, and, if the list marker is a capital letter with a period, by at least two spaces.

Lists need 1 blank line before they begin.

Bullet lists

  • one
  • two
  • three

Can use *, + or - for lists

Nested Bullet lists

  • one
  • two
    • 2a
    • 2b
  • three
    • 3a
      • 3rd layer
    • 2nd layer
  • 1st layer

The nested list must be indented four spaces or one tab:

Numbered lists

  1. item 1
  2. item 2
  3. item 3
  1. item 4
  2. item 5
  3. item 6
  1. item 7
  2. item 8
  3. item 9
  1. item 10
    1. item 10a
    2. item 10b
  2. item 11
    1. item 11a
    2. item 11b
  3. item 12

Pandoc also allows ordered list items to be marked with uppercase and lowercase letters and roman numerals, in addition to arabic numerals. List markers may be enclosed in parentheses or followed by a single right-parentheses or period. They must be separated from the text that follows by at least one space, and, if the list marker is a capital letter with a period, by at least two spaces.


For an External image on the web
![Link Text](http://www.top13.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/perfectly-timed-cat-photos-funny-cover.jpg){width=4in}

For an Internal image 
![Link Text](./ref/image1.gif){width=4in}

For an External image on the web Link Text

For an Internal image Link Text


I wouldn't recommend doing tables this way.  I would use R to read a data file made with excel (.csv) or create the data in R and use the kable or DT package to generate the table.

To create tables easily go [here](http://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown_tables)

| Num | Header | Header2 | Header3 |
|  1  | first  | 1st     | One     |
|  2  | second | 2nd     | Two     |
|  3  | third  | 3rd     | Three   |

I wouldn’t recommend doing tables this way. I would use R to read a data file made with excel (.csv) or create the data in R and use the kable or DT package to generate the table.

To create tables easily go here

Num Header Header2 Header3
1 first 1st One
2 second 2nd Two
3 third 3rd Three

Code Blocks

Here is some code
Here is some code

Inline Code Blocks

Here is some inline `code`.

Here is some inline code.


$$E = mc^2$$

\[E = mc^2\]

Inline Math

Here is some inline math $E=mc^2$

Here is some inline math \(E=mc^2\)

Definition Lists

Term 1

:   Definition 1

Term 2 with *inline markup*

:   Definition 2

        { some code, part of Definition 2 }

    Third paragraph of definition 2.
Term 1

Definition 1

Term 2 with inline markup

Definition 2

{ some code, part of Definition 2 }

Third paragraph of definition 2.


Footnote reference[^1]

[^1]: Here is the first footnote.  It will be at the end of the document

Another Footnote reference[^longnote].

[^longnote]: Here's the second one with multiple blocks.  It will also be at the end of the document.

    Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote.

        { some.code }

    The whole paragraph can be indented, or just the first
    line.  In this way, multi-paragraph footnotes work like
    multi-paragraph list items.

This paragraph won't be part of the note, because it
isn't indented.

**See bottom of page for Footnotes**

Footnote reference1

Another Footnote reference2.

This paragraph won’t be part of the note, because it isn’t indented.

See bottom of page for Footnotes

More information

For more information check out the following:

  1. Here is the first footnote. It will be at the end of the document

  2. Here’s the second one with multiple blocks. It will also be at the end of the document.

    Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote.

    { some.code }

    The whole paragraph can be indented, or just the first line. In this way, multi-paragraph footnotes work like multi-paragraph list items.