Example 1: Example Description

Here is a sample question


Here is the sample solution

Example 2: Another Example Description


Here is another sample solution

Another Point (used a horizontal line above)

And a table (below)

Num Header Header2 Header3
1 first 1st One
2 second 2nd Two
3 third 3rd Three

Example 3: With Bootstrap Grids

Here is a sample question


Here is the sample solution with a grid

Content in the first Column

\[E = L \frac {di_o}{dt} + Ri_o + \frac{1}{C} \int i_o \; dt\]

Content in the Second Column

\[\omega_o = \frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}},\; \alpha = \frac{R}{2L},\; \tau = RC,\; \omega = \sqrt{\frac{1}{LC}- \frac{R^2}{4L^2}} = \omega_o \sqrt{1- \delta^2}\]

Content in the Third Column

\[ \begin{align} \delta &= \frac{\alpha}{\omega_o} \notag \\ &= \frac{R}{2} \sqrt{\frac{C}{L}} \notag \\ &= \frac{R}{2\sqrt{\frac{L}{C}}} \end{align} \]