U of A



  Prof. Iyer


  Research Positions









Prof. Iyer

Prof. IyerAshwin K. Iyer received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in 2009. He joined the faculty of the University of Alberta Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the fall of same year and now holds the titles of Professor and Associate Chair (Undergraduate). He leads a team of talented graduate students in several areas of RF/microwave/millimetre-wave and antenna engineering. A large focus of his research is the analysis, characterization, and experimental validation of metamaterial phenomena and their application.

Dr. Iyer was part of the pioneering effort at the University of Toronto in the early 2000s in developing metamaterials that exhibit a negative refractive index and the demonstration of free-space subdiffraction imaging - contributions that have shaped the evolution of metamaterials research and mobilized later work in this area. He has authored several highly cited papers in the fields of RF/microwave engineering, antennas, physics, and optics, as well as four invited book chapters and several invited talks, workshops, and seminars on the subject of his research. Dr. Iyer has received a number awards and recognitions, including the 2008 R.W.P. King Award, presented by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society to an author less than 36 years of age for the best paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation during the previous year. He has received the IEEE AP-S Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award (2015), the University of Alberta Provost's Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2014), and the University of Alberta Rutherford Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2018). He was as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation between 2012 and 2018 and now serves as one of its eleven international Track Editors. He was also the Lead Guest Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Special Issue on Recent Advances in Metamaterials and Metasurfaces. He serves as Chair of the IEEE Northern Canada Section (NCS) Joint AP-S/MTT-S Chapter, and he is a member of the IEEE AP-S Education Committee. Dr. Iyer is a registered member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA).

Current Group Members

Masoud Baghelani (Research Associate)

Masoud Baghelani
(Research Associate)

Braden Smyth (Postdoctoral Fellow)

Braden Smyth
(Postdoctoral Fellow)

Soumendra Singh (Postdoctoral Fellow)

Soumendra Singh
(Postdoctoral Fellow)

Christopher Barker (PhD candidate)

Christopher Barker
(PhD candidate)

Brent Leier (PhD candidate)

Brent Leier
(PhD candidate)

Abbas Sheikh Ansari (PhD candidate)

Abbas Sheikh Ansari
(PhD candidate)

Alex Murray (PhD candidate)

Alex Murray
(PhD candidate)

Samuel Clark (PhD candidate)

Samuel Clark
(PhD candidate)

Samuel Zhu (PhD candidate)

Samuel Zhu
(PhD candidate)

Austin Fedoretz (PhD candidate)

Austin Fedoretz
(PhD candidate)

Zachary Kwong (MSc candidate)

Zachary Kwong
(MSc candidate)

Romina Ghorbanloo (MSc candidate)

Romina Ghorbanloo
(MSc candidate)

Quin Greenaway (MSc candidate)

Quin Greenaway
(MSc candidate)

Zachary Gellner (MSc candidate)

Zachary Gellner
(MSc candidate)

Group Alumni

Adam Maunder (PDF 2022)

Adam Maunder
(PDF 2022)
Engineer and Research Scientist
University of Alberta

Braden Smyth (PhD 2023)

Braden Smyth
(PhD 2023)
PDF (Iyer)
University of Alberta

Nabil Khalid (PhD 2023)

Nabil Khalid
(PhD 2023)
RF PA Design Engineer

Shaheen Ahmad (MSc 2023)

Shaheen Ahmad
(MSc 2023)
RF R & D Engineer
Kynze (QC)

Mitchell Semple (PhD 2022)

Mitchell Semple
(PhD 2022)
Defence Scientist

Stuart Barth (PhD 2021)

Stuart Barth
(MSc 2015, PhD 2021)
Senior Electrical Developer
Copperstone Technologies Ltd.

Jacob Brown (MSc 2020)

Jacob Brown
(MSc 2020)
InSAR Analyst
3v Geomatics

Sanghamitro Das (PhD 2019)

Sanghamitro Das
(PhD 2019)
Postdoctoral Fellow
San Diego State University (USA)

Jesse Frohlich (MEng 2019)

Jesse Frohlich
(MEng 2019)
EMI/EMC Engineer
General Dynamics

Elham Baladi (PhD 2019)

Elham Baladi
(PhD 2019)
Assistant Professor
Polytechnique Montreal

David Sawyer (MSc 2018)

David Sawyer
(MSc 2018)
RF Electrical Engineer
Sinclair Technologies

Justin Pollock (PhD 2016)

Justin Pollock
(PhD 2016)
Product Manager
Alpha Wireless

Naveen Gnanamoorthi (PDF 2015)

Naveen Gnanamoorthi
(PDF 2015)
Associate Director and
Associate Professor
Shiv Nadar University

Linh Nguyen (MSc 2013)

Linh Nguyen
(MSc 2013)
Deputy Head
RF/Antenna Dept.
Viettel (Vietnam)

Research Positions Available

Interested in joining our Group? We are growing fast and working on some of the most exciting research in the fields of electromagnetics and RF/microwave engineering today (check out our Research page for more details). I am always looking for talented graduate students at the PhD and Master’s levels, as well as experienced postdoctoral researchers, who have a passion for working on novel problems that straddle the boundaries between electrical engineering and physics, and applying the knowledge gained to meet the needs of industry and society.

Although I will not be able to accommodate all requests or guarantee admission, you are encouraged to make a preliminary application here.

Interested candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for scholarships and fellowships available through NSERC, Alberta Innovates, the University of Alberta, as well as other local, national, and international agencies (international students are also advised to seek out scholarships offered by their home countries).

Undergraduate students interested in an exciting summer-research project in our Group are encouraged to apply for an NSERC USRA.

Please contact me for further details.




U of A NSERC CFI Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education Department of National Defence Infinite Electronics Inc. KP Performance Inc. Voltera Inc. Sinclair Technologies Inc. NovAtel Inc. Sensors and Software Inc.