TestBenches Using File I/O under VHDL

Last updated 2000 03 06


Jason Gunthrope

Darren O'Reilly

Ryan Lewis


In simulating complex digital systems, it is sometimes important to test boundary cases using arbitrary test input. This style of testing is known as testbenching. We have found it very useful to implement testbenches using text files with testing data. The following outlines what is required to make a VHDL testbench using the file I/O method.

Step 1:

Create the VHDL entity that you wish to test bench.

Step 2:

Compile this entity under MaxPlus II, and extract the timing information.

Step 3:

Create test data by hand for boundary cases and place the set into a text file OR randomly create test data via Python/Perl or any other language to feed into a text file. See this for a sample Python script to generate random data.

Step 4a:

Create the testbench VHDL. Ensure that the testbench has only lines like Reset and Clock in the port declaration that don't require testing at different values. In the architecture declaration of the VHDL testbench, ensure that all lines that you wish to randomly initiate have signal declarations. Assign these test signals and testbench port signals to the VHDL entity port map that you are creating a testbench for.

Step 4b:

Now make sure that you add use std.textio.all; in the library declaration section of your testbench VHDL.

Now use the following text I/O functions to input/output your test data into the VHDL:

-- this allows you to open a test vector file

file vector_file : text is "vectorfilename";

-- this opens a file for output data.
-- note: text is "name" is the same as declaring text open read_mode is "name" by default.

file out_file : text open write_mode is "vectors.out";

-- returns a 1 if at the end of a file, 0 otherwise.


-- creates a textline variable that can hold a line of text

variable textline : line;

-- reads an entire line of text into the textline variable


-- reads the next value on the textline that fits the type of testinteger


-- write the string value into the line type outline

write(outline,String'(" this is a testbench "));

-- this outputs the contents of outline into the textfile defined by out_file


A completed sample test bench for lab5 (pipelined adder), click HERE.

Step 5:

The testbench must be run from Mentor Graphics. I recommend initially testing the test bench and the component soly under Mentor Graphics, without using the extracted timing information from Max Plus II. This simulates substantially faster.

The commands to execute the test bench in the Mentor Graphics simulator are:
restart -force
force reset 1 0, 0 80
force clock 0 0, 1 40 -repeat 80
run -a
The first resets the simulation, the second generates a reset pulse and third creates an infinite clock. The run command will run the simulation until the program aborts by calling assert with a failure severity.

The waveforms this produces can be seen by setting up the waveform viewer before running the test bench.

Please e-mail the authors with any inaccuracies.