Li Cheng's Publications

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Segment 2D and 3D Filaments by Learning Structured and Contextual Features

GU Lin, Xiaowei Zhang, He Zhao, Huiqi Li, and Li Cheng. Segment 2D and 3D Filaments by Learning Structured and Contextual Features. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), 36(2):569–606, 2017.






  author =       "GU Lin and Xiaowei Zhang and He Zhao and Huiqi Li and Li Cheng",
  title =        {Segment 2D and 3D Filaments by Learning Structured and Contextual Features},
  journal =      "IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI)",
  volume =       {36},
  number =       {2},
  pages =        {569-606},
  YEAR =         {2017},
  bib2html_pubtype = {Journal},
  bib2html_dl_pdf = {}

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