Li Cheng's Publications

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Integrated Foreground Segmentation and Boundary Matting for Live Videos

M. Gong, Y. Qian, and L. Cheng. Integrated Foreground Segmentation and Boundary Matting for Live Videos. IEEE Trans. Image Processing (TIP), 24(4):1356–70, 2015.






  author =       "M. Gong and Y. Qian and L. Cheng",
  title =        {Integrated Foreground Segmentation and Boundary Matting for Live Videos},
  journal =      "IEEE Trans. Image Processing (TIP)",
  volume =       {24},
  number =       {4},
  pages =        {1356-70},
  YEAR =         {2015},
  bib2html_pubtype = {Journal},
  bib2html_dl_pdf = {}

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