Li Cheng's Publications

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A Graph-theoretical Approach for Tracing Filamentary Structures in Neuronal and Retinal Images

J. De, L. Cheng, X. Zhang, F. Lin, H. Li, K. Ong, W. Yu, Y. Yu, and S. Ahmed. A Graph-theoretical Approach for Tracing Filamentary Structures in Neuronal and Retinal Images. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), 35(1):257–72, 2016.






  author =       {J. De and L. Cheng and X. Zhang and F. Lin and H. Li and K. Ong and W. Yu and Y. Yu and S. Ahmed},
  title =        {A Graph-theoretical Approach for Tracing Filamentary Structures in Neuronal and Retinal Images},
  journal =      {IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI)},
  volume =       {35},
  number =       {1},
  pages =        {257-72},
  YEAR =         {2016},
  bib2html_pubtype = {Journal},
  bib2html_dl_pdf = {}

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