This page contains VHDL code for a VGA driver and for the Test code for the driver.

For more on VGA see Dice Race.

-- VGA driver for Altera UP1 board  Rob Chapman  Feb 22, 1998

Library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_Logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity VGAdrive is
  port( clock            : in std_logic;  -- 25.175 Mhz clock
        red, green, blue : in std_logic;  -- input values for RGB signals
        row, column : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- for current pixel
        Rout, Gout, Bout, H, V : out std_logic); -- VGA drive signals
  -- The signals Rout, Gout, Bout, H and V are output to the monitor.
  -- The row and column outputs are used to know when to assert red,
  -- green and blue to color the current pixel.  For VGA, the column
  -- values that are valid are from 0 to 639, all other values should
  -- be ignored.  The row values that are valid are from 0 to 479 and
  -- again, all other values are ignored.  To turn on a pixel on the
  -- VGA monitor, some combination of red, green and blue should be
  -- asserted before the rising edge of the clock.  Objects which are
  -- displayed on the monitor, assert their combination of red, green and
  -- blue when they detect the row and column values are within their
  -- range.  For multiple objects sharing a screen, they must be combined
  -- using logic to create single red, green, and blue signals.

architecture behaviour1 of VGAdrive is
  -- names are referenced from Altera University Program Design
  -- Laboratory Package  November 1997, ver. 1.1  User Guide Supplement
  -- clock period = 39.72 ns; the constants are integer multiples of the
  -- clock frequency and are close but not exact
  -- row counter will go from 0 to 524; column counter from 0 to 799
  subtype counter is std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
  constant B : natural := 93;  -- horizontal blank: 3.77 us
  constant C : natural := 45;  -- front guard: 1.89 us
  constant D : natural := 640; -- horizontal columns: 25.17 us
  constant E : natural := 22;  -- rear guard: 0.94 us
  constant A : natural := B + C + D + E;  -- one horizontal sync cycle: 31.77 us
  constant P : natural := 2;   -- vertical blank: 64 us
  constant Q : natural := 32;  -- front guard: 1.02 ms
  constant R : natural := 480; -- vertical rows: 15.25 ms
  constant S : natural := 11;  -- rear guard: 0.35 ms
  constant O : natural := P + Q + R + S;  -- one vertical sync cycle: 16.6 ms

  Rout <= red;
  Gout <= green;
  Bout <= blue;

    variable vertical, horizontal : counter;  -- define counters
    wait until clock = '1';

  -- increment counters
      if  horizontal < A - 1  then
        horizontal := horizontal + 1;
        horizontal := (others => '0');

        if  vertical < O - 1  then -- less than oh
          vertical := vertical + 1;
          vertical := (others => '0');       -- is set to zero
        end if;
      end if;

  -- define H pulse
      if  horizontal >= (D + E)  and  horizontal < (D + E + B)  then
        H <= '0';
        H <= '1';
      end if;

  -- define V pulse
      if  vertical >= (R + S)  and  vertical < (R + S + P)  then
        V <= '0';
        V <= '1';
      end if;

    -- mapping of the variable to the signals
     -- negative signs are because the conversion bits are reversed
    row <= vertical;
    column <= horizontal;

  end process;

end architecture;

-- RGB VGA test pattern  Rob Chapman  Mar 9, 1998

 -- This file uses the VGA driver and creates 3 squares on the screen which
 -- show all the available colors from mixing red, green and blue

Library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_Logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity vgatest is
  port(clock         : in std_logic;
       R, G, B, H, V : out std_logic);
end entity;

architecture test of vgatest is

  component vgadrive is
    port( clock          : in std_logic;  -- 25.175 Mhz clock
        red, green, blue : in std_logic;  -- input values for RGB signals
        row, column      : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- for current pixel
        Rout, Gout, Bout, H, V : out std_logic); -- VGA drive signals
  end component;
  signal row, column : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
  signal red, green, blue : std_logic;


  -- for debugging: to view the bit order
  VGA : component vgadrive
    port map ( clock => clock, red => red, green => green, blue => blue,
               row => row, column => column,
               Rout => R, Gout => G, Bout => B, H => H, V => V);
  -- red square from 0,0 to 360, 350
  -- green square from 0,250 to 360, 640
  -- blue square from 120,150 to 480,500
  RGB : process(row, column)
    -- wait until clock = '1';
    if  row < 360 and column < 350  then
      red <= '1';
      red <= '0';
    end if;
    if  row < 360 and column > 250 and column < 640  then
      green <= '1';
      green <= '0';
    end if;
    if  row > 120 and row < 480 and column > 150 and column < 500  then
      blue <= '1';
      blue <= '0';
    end if;

  end process;

end architecture;